Fighting Words
Lakeman, L. (2005) Obsession with Intent: Violence Against Women, Black Rose Books: Montreal, QC.
Lakeman, L. (2003) Canada’s Promises to Keep: The Charter and Violence Against Women, CASAC: Vancouver, BC.
Articles Published in Academic Texts or Delivered at Academic Conferences
Lakeman, L. (2011). Ending Rape: The Responsibility of the Canadian State. In Nicole Westmarland and Greentanjali Ganjoli, eds., International Approaches to Rape, (pp. 35-57). University of Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Lakeman, L. (2009). Abolishing Prostitution Through Economic, Physical, and Political Rights for Women. In Marjorie Griffen Cohen and Jane Pulkingham, eds. Public Policy for Women: The State, Income Security, and Labour Market Issues (pp. 139-161). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Lakeman, L., Agnew, V., et al. (Eds). (2006). Canadian Feminism In Action: Canadian Woman Studies. Vol 25.
Lakeman, L. (2006). Feminist Alliances in the Face of Law. In Elizabeth Sheehy and Sheila McIntyre, eds. Calling for Change: Women Law and Legal Profession (pp. 33-53). Ottawa: University of Ottawa
Lakeman, L. (2006). The Relevance of Rights for Systemic Change for Women. In Sheila McIntyre and Sanda Rogers, eds. Diminishing Returns: Inequality and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (pp 193-211). Toronto: Lexis Nexus.
Lakeman, L. (2006). Linking Violence and Poverty in the CASAC Report. In Andrea Medovarski and Brenda Crannery, eds. Canadian Woman Studies: An Introductory Reader 2nd Edition (pp. 380-390). Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education Inc.
Lakeman, L., Miles, A., and Christiansen-Ruffman, L. (2006). The Pictou Statement: A Feminist Statement on Guaranteed Livable Income. In Andrea Medovarski and Brenda Crannery, eds., Canadian Woman Studies: An Introductory Reader 2nd Edition (pp. 622-626). Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education Inc.
Lakeman, L. (2006). Sustaining Resistance to Male Violence: Attacks on Women’s Organizing and Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter. Canadian Woman Studies, 25 (1,2 Ending Woman Abuse), 129-133.
Lakeman, L. (2004). A Feminist View of the Supreme Court from the Anti-Rape Frontline, In Elizabeth Sheehy, ed. Adding Feminism to Law: The Contributions of Justice Claire L’Heureux-Dubé (pp. 45-48). Toronto: Irwin Law
Lakeman, L. (2000). Why Law and Order Won’t End Violence Against Women; and Why the Development of Women’s Social, Economic Political and Civil Rights Might. Canadian Woman Studies 20(3), 24-33.
Lakeman, L. (1993). For the Prostitutes and Against Prostitution: The Position of The National Action Committee on the Status of Women. Speech given at Sex Works Conference, Montreal: University of Quebec at Montreal.
Articles or Chapters in Non-Academic Publications
Lakeman, L. (2012). After Ontario Courts Rule on Bedford: a rant in French and English.
Lakeman, L., and Baustad, S. (2011). Manufacturing Consent: Where Was the Struggle Over the Big Picture? In Sister Outsider September 14.
Lakeman, L. (2011). Pickton No ‘Mystery’ – Just a John Given Impunity. In Sister Outsider November 30.
Lakeman, L. (2011). Lowman ‘the Expert’ – Patriarchy at Work. In Sister Outsider October 17.
Lakeman, L. (2011). Day 1-And the Room is Empty of Women’s Groups. In Sister Outsider November 11.
Lakeman, L. (2011). The Abolitionist Project Within the Conference Women’s Worlds Ottawa.
Lakeman, L. (2010). Review of Stevie Cameron’s On The Farm: Robert William Pickton and the Tragic Story of the Missing Women.
Lakeman, L. (2010). Response to the Vancouver Police Department Review of the Cases of the Pickton Murders.
Lakeman, L. (2009). One is Too Many – Global Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation. (From my speech at the BC Association of Social Workers Conference AGM) Perspectives Magazine 31(2).
Lakeman, L. (2008). Introduction. In Elaine Audet, Prostitution-Feminist Perspective. Montreal: Sisyphe.
Lakeman, L. Lee, A., Jay, S. (2004). Resisting the Promotion of Prostitution in Canada: A View from Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter. In Rebecca Whisnant and Christine Stark, eds., Not for Sale: Feminists Resist Prostitution and Pornography (pp. 210- 252). Australia: Spinefex Press, Australia.
Lakeman. L. (2000). Christmas Eve in the Transition House.
Lakeman, L. (1999). A Consideration of Feminist Process. In Meister, J., and Masuda, S eds., DAWNing: How to Start and Maintain a Group (pp. 85-98). Vancouver: DAWN Canada.
Lakeman, L. (Jan 23,1997). Bare Breasts in Public? Yes: Joyful-Women Comfortable and at Ease in Our World. The Vancouver Sun.
Lakeman, L. (1993). 99 Federal Steps Toward an End to Violence Against Women. Toronto: National Action Committee on the Status of Women.
Lakeman, L. (1990). Women,Violence and the Montreal Massacre, This Magazine 23(i7), 20-3
Lakeman, L. and Lorek, R. (1981). Making It Happen: How to Create a Support, Education and Action Group for Women. CASAC National Newsletter, CASAC.