Lee Lakeman
Writer, speaker, feminist, activist
Feminism caught my mind and heart back when we still called it Women’s Liberation. Feminism provides me an intelligent, compassionate and artful approach to life, to love and to revolt. Since early in the 70’s I do my best to block the hate speech, fists, elbows, boots and guns of men and little fascists gangs of men harming women.
Whenever possible I discredit the authorities of state and finance that block the advancement of women and collude with men’s violence. In that struggle feminism has been a comfort, a guide and a discipline. Organizing with other women and men of good will has provided both the best opportunities of my life and the most frightening and consequential challenges. To renew and enrich what is left of me I sing, write and garden as though I knew how and with as much enthusiasm as time and courage allows.
A few highlights to check out on this site: